Dear Bentley

For some, they’re just a dog or a cat, something that takes work and are messy.  Some think  a dog is only good for fighting and bringing in money, never considering their health or feelings.  Some find it “fun” to abuse these four footed friend, doing unspeakable things that more often than not result in suffering and death.  For others, they’re children that can’t speak other than barking or meowing.  Sometimes they become our best friend and confidant.  Beyond the food dish, they are always happy to see us, and no matter the mood we’re in they will love us unconditionally.  Even when they are sick and hurting, when they see us, their “smiler” flickers, wagging weakly, but letting you know that you are the most important person in their life.

I have had many dogs over my lifetime, two that have been extremely special.  Sir Jeremy and Reba’s Bentley Astin.  Jer and Bentley.  Jeremy made it to his 16th birthday and three months beyond.  Bentley will be six in September.  Oh, I have had other special dogs; well, they all have been special in one way or another.

Bentley, though, has been a handful growing up.  Happy and enthusiastic the word “no” was hard to input into his vocabulary.  It took five and a half years for him to understand that no does indeed mean NO.  And he’s no longer a “rocket launcher” aiming for the knees when out of control.  He has grown into a sweet, loving, lovable and fun ball of fuzz with a tongue faster than the speed of light.  And he’s an apple lover.  Mostly yellow delicious, but if it’s an apple, he wants some if you’re eating one.

I don’t know what I’d do without him.  He knows how to make me laugh when I need to laugh, and when I’m grumpy with pain he stays just close enough to let me know he’s there if I need him.  A Yorkie locked in a Schnauzer’s body.  Twenty pounds of pure love.


My serious Bentley

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