All Righty, Then

It’s Summer, oh yes indeedy, it is Summer! And Texas, like many other parts of the country is under fire. No, not by idiots running around gunning innocent people down. Literally under fire. Parts of West Texas and closer to Dallas have been besieged by raging wildfires sparked by many different ways, but many started by our intense heat and drought. Last week in Dallas we saw three days in a row with temperatures of 109° and we’re in 50+ days without rain. It’s hot. Searing hot. Land that hasn’t seen significant rainfall has grasses that have turned from luscious green to brittle brown. Dust devils have whisked up leaving us in fascination because they look like tornadoes yet spawn under non-rainy skies. But, we are suffering as much as our Western neighbors. Lake Mead is drying up, something no one really could have thought would happen, leaving those that have depended on that water source to wonder when will they see relief. The Great Salt Lake, too, is drying up.

Amid all this “wonderfulness”, gas prices have shot up. For me, it’s yet another round of stay-at-home because I can’t afford gas to go anywhere except for those places that are necessary. And between the heat and gas prices, who wants to go anywhere anyway? Last year I got a membership to the Dallas Arboretum. I haven’t used it at all. My bad. But, a bunch of physical health problems rather curbed my activities, and that place was once of them. So, in hopes for a better year, I will renew my membership when it comes due. I need to take photos! I miss taking photos! And no, I have no desire in this heat to travel to the areas under fire to take photos, especially with these gas prices!

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