An Angel to Pray

In June I had the chance to visit a church that had this wonderful meditation area behind it.  Well, actually, it was two meditation areas, one with a pond and the other with a little stream and waterfall.  I had taken my camera with me just in case I saw some neat cloud formations because we had several storms in the area.  I was hoping for a rainbow, but that never materialized.

I first went to the side with the stream which was covered over with trees and had a nice pathway with several stone

Angel praying

benches.  Below street level, but at the back of the church, it WAS perfect for meditation – quiet with only the sound of the water splashing down the small waterfall.  But it was the other side, the pond side, that held my attention.

The pond area also had a nice pathway with stone benches, but the focus – and there was actually two – was the stone cross and the water fountain.  Before crossing over the road to meditate on that side, I stood on the bridge and took some photos of the water fountain because it was very breezy that evening and the wind was producing a spray off the fountain.  I got a number of really nice “spray” photos, but I got one that I really liked.  I guess it would depend on your perspective, but I think the image in the spray looks like an angel praying. 

I hope to get back there someday, maybe in late Fall, and get some more photos.  This place is very calming, relaxing.  I am glad I was told about this area because I hadn’t known it was there.

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