Going to the Park

With the advent of cooler weather it was time to get out and take Roby to the dog park. I have to admit that I was apprehensive at first because I didn’t know if he would be scared of all the dogs or he would be aggressive toward some of them. My little adventurous puppy was neither! Shy at first, he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, but after a few dogs came up to him and were friendly Roby opened up and found a couple of dogs his size to run and play chase with. And boy, did he ever run hard! stretching those little legs out as far as they would go. I don’t know, but it was almost like seeing him “fly” – he was free to run as fast as he could chasing, playing, and a couple of times tumbling. It was so fun watching him have fun!

We now have been four times, going on Sunday’s late afternoon. This Sunday, when we got up and during our wake up snuggle, I asked him if he’d like to go to the park. Whoa! PERK! Those ears stood up and he sat back and looked at me and I asked, “yes, would you like to go to the park?” He definitely knows that word and what it means for him. Excitement galore engulfed him and every inch of him started to wiggle, along with excited barking. I wasted no time getting him ready. And myself, too. Once he did his business, he headed to the car and barked to get in.

Now, he does not like riding in the back seat of the car, but it’s necessary because he’s too big to hold and I can’t see around him while driving. Plus, he once gave me a slight concussion when jumping from the passenger seat into my lap! So, into the back seat with him. Only problem there is he cries and whimpers because he’s not close to me. And in a closed car he is LOUD!

Once we got there, it was pandemonium in the back seat. Bouncing puppy, happy barking, paws on the window – he wanted out NOW. After I got him out he basically dragged me to the small dog area. Roby was ready to play. And play he did. He ran hard, chasing and being chased, and meeting new friends. For an hour. He had the best time playing and I had the best time watching him and talking with other humans. Oh, of course, I was greeted by other wonderful furkids. Did I ever mention I love dogs? When it was time to go, Roby was ready. He was so tired I had to lift him into the car. On the way home, it was quiet in the back seat. Roby was worn out and it was nap time when we got home.

I’m glad Roby is enjoying the dog park. I took Bentley once, but it was not a good experience. A little girl ran toward us and he lunged out at her. He didn’t bite her, but it upset me enough that that was the one and only time I took him to the dog park. The only other time he went [well, it was a couple of times, actually] he didn’t play with the other dogs, he just stayed to himself and close to Rebecca. I think Bentley just enjoyed playing with his sisters at home and didn’t care to play elsewhere. And that was okay. Roby, though, has no one but me to play with, so it’s important for him to get out and around other dogs of other sizes. The dog park is the perfect place for him. At least he gets to really stretch his legs once a week.

Roby ready to go at the park
Roby meeting a new friend and ready to play

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