My Puppy Roby

My dear little Roby is 5 months old now and already seems like an adult dog, but he’s not. I have to remind myself that he is just a puppy; he’s just growing so quickly! Last Wednesday he weighed in at 13.4 pounds, and that was up from 12.8 pounds on May 26th! It’s like lifting a wiggling brick, or trying to hold on to a large fish you just caught. Every day, though, I am just totally amazed at this little guy and still wonder how I got so lucky to have him in my life. Sure, he gets into things like most puppies do [he’s a master paper and box shredder!] and does things he shouldn’t [like try to pull his 14 year old blind sister’s tongue out of her head], but he’s really a delight to have around. Oh, yes, he talks incessantly, too, even on his walks. Sometimes it’s embarrassing, especially when we’re walking late at night and everyone has gone to bed. It’s like he’s saying, “Wake up! Roby-boy is here now!”. And most of my apartment complex knows him because he’s so danged friendly – and because of his barking. He loves people. Heck, he loves life in general! He is an incredibly happy dog! Like I said, how did I get so lucky!

Roby loves to watch television, and his favorite commercial is the Bravecto Flea & Tick Protection for dogs. The minute that comes on, he’s at the tv barking like crazy and wagging his tail so hard I’m afraid he’ll disconnect it! He also watched the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes horse races – actually watching with interest. That was pretty cool. Unfortunately there are a lot of shows he doesn’t like and he lets me know because he won’t stop barking. That means either the tv goes off or I find another show to watch. And, oh dear, animal vet shows….well, it’s hit or miss with him; some he likes, most he doesn’t.

One of his favorite activities is going down to the leasing office after hours and playing in the water fountain. He barks, he lunges, he gets soaked from head to tail, but he’s having the time of his life. [Of course, when it comes to a bath, or in his case shower, like most dogs, that’s a no-no!] And then he starts to walk away and I think he’s done, but nooooo, he runs right back at the fountain and starts again! He definitely keeps me laughing!

If the last three months are any indication, it’s going to be an incredibly fantastic ride with this Schnorkie!

Roby at 5 months

The demon box shredder! No guilt on that face!

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