One of those “funny” photos

Once in a blue moon you’ll go out to take photos and as you take them you catch a quick look and all looks fine.  All excited you get home to upload them to your computer and see what they really look like.  And there it is.  You know what you took, and it is indeed that photo, but there is just the way it turned out, which isn’t what you saw in that quick glance.  Sure, it’s that object, but with a twist.

This is what happened with a photo I took several days ago.  There was a pretty iris next to my apartment building.  Well, yes, it was pretty, but it also wasn’t dynamic.  This poor solitary iris had to work to even look like a flower.  It was droopy and in need of watering and apparently the sprinkler right there wasn’t doing the greatest of jobs, so the flower was struggling.  I really wanted a photo of it, but, bad me, not in that sad looking condition.  I waited.  And then, it started looking better, so I grabbed up my camera and went out to take a couple of dozen photos from different angles.  Along the way I glanced at some of the ones I took, but it wasn’t until I uploaded them to my computer that I saw it.  I guess this photo could fall into the “caption this” category.  I think it has become one of my favorite “funny” photos.



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