Back in Business!
I love Amazon! Especially being a Prime member. Battery charger and two batteries were delivered last evening and I now have one charged and back in my camera. I will, of course, be charging another one this evening. And the batteries for my little Nikon Coolpix S220 will be getting charged as well. I am back in business! I feel rather lost when I don’t have a camera handy. Sure, I have my phone, which is with me all the time, but it’s not quite the same, although it has come in handy from time to time. I think Roby is glad the camera has been “down”. Poor puppy gets photographed a lot!
May 15 – 16 2022 is the full moon and I really enjoy being able to take photos of the full moon. And this month is also a lunar eclipse. That means that the moon will appear to be blood red. That would be something awesome to get a photo of! According to a partial lunar eclipse will begin at 10:27 pm ET Sunday and the total lunar eclipse will begin at 11:29 pm ET. The total lunar eclipse will end at 12:53 am ET Monday with the partial eclipse ending at 1:55 am ET Monday. It’s pretty late for a lot of people, including myself. This will be one of those tripod nights for me. [I can remember the last time I used my tripod to take moon photos, I just can’t remember the year it was. ☹️]
So, getting that battery charged was an essential, and now I can take tons of photos with the assurance of having my battery charger handy.
Now, if I could only find the other charger…… ?
Posted in Uncategorized by Jason with 1 comment.
Where in the heck did it go?
I can’t FIND it! I have looked all over, and even checked out Roby’s “stash” hiding place [where he kindly hid my hammer, btw] and I just can’t find it! I have looked all over the place and it’s just not here. On top of that I am missing a battery! I’ve looked everywhere I thought that might be but no luck so far. I DO have a way of charging my battery, but it involves hooking up the entire camera to a USB port. Not very convenient, to say the least. I try to keep two batteries charged at all times, but at the moment, that is a wee bit hard without the second battery or the charger. I admit, I have a third battery, but have never used it nor charged it. It’s brand new.
Sooooo, in my frustration, I broke down and bought a new battery charger. It plugs into an outlet, and it comes with a car charger and two batteries, giving me five batteries in all to work with! And more pieces to lose! I only have three camera cases [yeah, none of them have the elusive charger and battery!, I’ve looked.] Hopefully that will come sometime tomorrow. Oh, I have two more cameras; my Nikon D3000 and a little Nikon Coolpix S220 and I KNOW where their chargers are. Of course! I think, though, the S220 could probably use a new battery at this point because it seems as though the battery drains faster than I think it should. So, I have ordered two of those, with no battery pack.
Now watch, once the new battery charger gets here I will find the other one.
Posted in Uncategorized by Jason with no comments yet.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

And Happy Holidays!

Kindness and Compassion rule!
With love always,
Jason and Roby
Posted in Faith, Holidays by Jason with no comments yet.
Going to the Park
With the advent of cooler weather it was time to get out and take Roby to the dog park. I have to admit that I was apprehensive at first because I didn’t know if he would be scared of all the dogs or he would be aggressive toward some of them. My little adventurous puppy was neither! Shy at first, he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, but after a few dogs came up to him and were friendly Roby opened up and found a couple of dogs his size to run and play chase with. And boy, did he ever run hard! stretching those little legs out as far as they would go. I don’t know, but it was almost like seeing him “fly” – he was free to run as fast as he could chasing, playing, and a couple of times tumbling. It was so fun watching him have fun!
We now have been four times, going on Sunday’s late afternoon. This Sunday, when we got up and during our wake up snuggle, I asked him if he’d like to go to the park. Whoa! PERK! Those ears stood up and he sat back and looked at me and I asked, “yes, would you like to go to the park?” He definitely knows that word and what it means for him. Excitement galore engulfed him and every inch of him started to wiggle, along with excited barking. I wasted no time getting him ready. And myself, too. Once he did his business, he headed to the car and barked to get in.
Now, he does not like riding in the back seat of the car, but it’s necessary because he’s too big to hold and I can’t see around him while driving. Plus, he once gave me a slight concussion when jumping from the passenger seat into my lap! So, into the back seat with him. Only problem there is he cries and whimpers because he’s not close to me. And in a closed car he is LOUD!
Once we got there, it was pandemonium in the back seat. Bouncing puppy, happy barking, paws on the window – he wanted out NOW. After I got him out he basically dragged me to the small dog area. Roby was ready to play. And play he did. He ran hard, chasing and being chased, and meeting new friends. For an hour. He had the best time playing and I had the best time watching him and talking with other humans. Oh, of course, I was greeted by other wonderful furkids. Did I ever mention I love dogs? When it was time to go, Roby was ready. He was so tired I had to lift him into the car. On the way home, it was quiet in the back seat. Roby was worn out and it was nap time when we got home.
I’m glad Roby is enjoying the dog park. I took Bentley once, but it was not a good experience. A little girl ran toward us and he lunged out at her. He didn’t bite her, but it upset me enough that that was the one and only time I took him to the dog park. The only other time he went [well, it was a couple of times, actually] he didn’t play with the other dogs, he just stayed to himself and close to Rebecca. I think Bentley just enjoyed playing with his sisters at home and didn’t care to play elsewhere. And that was okay. Roby, though, has no one but me to play with, so it’s important for him to get out and around other dogs of other sizes. The dog park is the perfect place for him. At least he gets to really stretch his legs once a week.

Posted in Pets by Jason with no comments yet.
He Survived!
Well, despite dad having a nervous breakdown, Roby did great with his very first haircut! I decided that for the first go round I didn’t want a lot cut off him, but that he definitely needed a good face trimming, especially around the eyes. [His face turned out really well, I think.] And I also didn’t want anything done to his beautiful tail. The groomer did a really good job and said that there were a couple of things that Roby didn’t like or wasn’t sure of; he definitely didn’t like having his toenails trimmed and when it came time for the clippers he was rather shy but the groomer let him sniff the clippers and then waited until Roby was okay with them. Even though there wasn’t a lot of cutting that happened, I am completely satisfied with the way Roby’s cut turned out and I am looking forward to the next haircut which will most likely be in November. Let me say, we were both exhausted after that day and the nap we took was hard and long!

He’s still my fuzzy boy – for right now!
Posted in Pets by Jason with no comments yet.
Nine Months Old!
It’s hard to believe Roby is 9 months old because he seems so grown up now; I have a hard time remembering he’s still a puppy. Oh, we still have lots of puppy play, and he still tests his limits, but he learns fast. I think his favorite thing to do right now is jump from his bed on the floor up to my chair and then back down. He can do this over and over again and one time almost went flying over the top of the chair! I’m glad I was sitting in the chair at the time he did it or he could have really hurt himself.
He’s still a happy puppy and when we go out for walks he’s beside himself when he sees his favorite people. His tail wags so fast I’m almost positive it’s going to come off his backside! Of course, he still barks a lot on our walks, which can get to be embarrassing, especially at 1:00 or 2:00 AM. I guess he just has a lot to say and doesn’t mind saying it! I hope he always stays as happy as he is now. I have to admit, I’m a sucker for his grinning smile.

He definitely needs a haircut. That is still his puppy coat, but the good news is that he is getting his first haircut this coming Monday. I pity the poor guy that is going to cut him, knowing how resistant Roby is to new things. It is really going to be a challenge. I kind of like his scruffiness, but his hair is beginning to mat now, so it’s time. I’ve been brushing him, but that isn’t an easy chore, and he most definitely doesn’t like his belly being brushed. I have this vision of this little dog coming back half groomed with razor burns all over, and through no fault of the groomer. So, we shall see, we shall see.
Posted in Pets by Jason with no comments yet.
They Just Have to BE
Some might wonder why I made the post about September 11th. Well, it was two-fold. First, it was a reminder about the 20th anniversary of that horrible and devastating day. But secondly, which was never mentioned in the post, it was also about photography and videography.
Our first glimpse into what happened to the Towers that morning was through the news, which the majority of us watched on television. That was thanks to the journalists and videographers that were digitally filming the events that were unfolding. And then, too, were the digital photos from journalists but also from others with digital cameras. And probably the most recognized photo is of the Falling Man captured by Associated Press photographer Richard Drew. Other people also jumped from the towers that day and many were captured on video.
But, there were also many private citizens that captured the events digitally, on film, or on video. They recognized the importance of capturing these events for posterity, for history, for remembrance of how our lives changed forever that day. The images those people took that day are just as important as the photos taken when Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated and when his brother John F. Kennedy, our President, was also assassinated. They tell a story – a story we can never forget, just as the films of the bomb being dropped on Hiroshima, and all the films we have seen of WWI, WWII, Viet Nam, Desert Storm, and the many wars in the Middle East. The stories that did change our lives forever.
Many of us will never be so “lucky” to capture tragedy, as if we really want to be there to do so, but now with the increasing quality of photos and videos on our phones, we can be there.
And so, my post on September 11th was fitting even though there was no mention of photography of any kind. Photography is our way of preserving history, whether we capture major events or just the events and people in our lives. Photography, whether by amateurs or professionals, is important Don’t throw away or delete your photos. Save them. Print them. Put them in albums for future generations to see. They don’t have to be award winning. They just have to BE.
Posted in Perspectives, Reflections, View Point by Jason with no comments yet.
September 11, 2001
This year marks the 20th anniversary of that horrible, shocking, and devastating day. Some of you may remember that day; some of you were probably too little to remember that day. All of us, though, either watched in disbelief, were there in some way, or….. This year is not a celebration, per se, although we should celebrate the lives lost – who they were, what they did in their lives, and how they, the innocent, live forever in our hearts. And then, of course, we should remember those that were in the towers, terrified beyond belief, desperately wending their way down flights of stairs to get out and away with their lives. These people especially need our continued prayers and support, hugs virtual and real, because they grapple with survivor guilt and PTSD every day. We cannot, and should not, ever forget them. Nor should we forget the brave men and women in and out of uniform fighting to save lives and eventually recover bodies when possible. They, too, have suffered in unimaginable ways.
Know that this day, September 11, 2001, was like none in the history of our country, and God willing we should never know another day like it ever in our future. The days that followed pulled the people of this country together in ways we’d never experienced, even during WWII. This happened on our soil, in our house. We were wary, yes, but we also were a country of family. We BONDED together. Our music was patriotic and though flags flew at half staff there were flags everywhere showing the love we have for our country and our fellow neighbor. For a few weeks love surrounded us and protected us and if there was any hate, I don’t remember it.
So, this September 11th, remember and say prayers for the survivors as well as for those that lost their lives. And make note…..this is not a celebration, but a remembrance. We will never forget!

Posted in Perspectives, Reflections, View Point by Jason with no comments yet.
The Rainbow Bridge

I’ve had dogs all my life and it is never easy having to say goodbye to one at the end of their life, and so it was today. This little girl didn’t have the best beginnings in life and my wife and agreed to take her and rehome her to someone. But, we couldn’t. This sweetheart, named Daisy at the time, stole our hearts and giving her up to someone else became out of the question. She was ours forever, good or bad. But it was all good. She was sweet, funny, smart, demanding, and begging to be loved. And love her we did. How could you not?
She had a bigger than life presence and let you know about it. She also had horrible separation anxiety from the get-go, with a ton of swear words to go with it and didn’t mind spouting them off if you tried to leave her behind, even if it was just to go to another room. She let our other dogs know she was in the house to stay and she was bound and determined to be alpha dog despite the fact there were a number ahead of her in line. And she was quick to bite them if they got too close or tried to take something of her. So quick we actually called her movement “the snake”. Oh yes, she nailed us a couple of times, too, but she never meant it. I think!
She was definitely mommy and daddy’s little girl and loved us both so much. She loved sleeping with us, usually between us, and as close as she could get. After our divorce and once I moved into this apartment, Lily loved sleeping with her head on my left shoulder. It was something so special that moving was out of the question, even if my shoulder went to sleep. When I started sleeping in my easy chair because of my back and hips, she slept on my right leg, sometimes by my left leg, and when she did that brother Bentley usually ended up on the couch or on the floor. Her bestest friend in the whole world was Bentley, and they played endlessly. Until Bentley’s cancer caught up with him, and even then, the few days before he died, she tried hard to get him to play to no avail.
After Bentley crossed the Rainbow Bridge last year he took some of Lily with him, and her health began to slowly deteriorate. She already had pancreatitis before he died, but she developed diabetes and then her eyesight began to fail because of cataracts. She was just 13 then. Soon, she became blind except to light, so she could see movement. She never really came out of her depression, but she did perk up some and I began looking for another dog. I hoped to have found one that she could play with, even being mostly sightless, but it wasn’t to be, and then puppy Roby came into our lives. While he was good for me, I’m not so sure he was all that good for her because he was like all puppies – rough and tumble and full of play with razor blade teeth. She couldn’t see him, but gamely tried to play “teeth” with him only to find him pulling her hair and her ears and yanking her around the floor until I stepped in and stopped him.
And then her health really took a turn with her pancreatitis flaring up a lot and becoming dehydrated a lot. Lots of IV fluids and medicines to keep her going. And the little Yorkiepoo with the beautiful hair started losing it, as many an older dog will, and then we found her thyroid wasn’t doing its job, so another medicine. And LilyCatherine stepped on the path to the Rainbow Bridge. All I wanted was for her to make it to her 14th birthday on July 4th. We weren’t sure. But she made it and seemed strong – for a while – only to falter again and again.
LilyCatherine was telling us it was time to go, that she was tired. She was done. My strong, brave little girl tried for me, but I couldn’t be selfish for her. After discussions with her two vets we decided it was time for her to cross the Rainbow Bridge on September 7th. It was not to be. Over the weekend, LilyCat stopped eating, although she continued to drink. She was telling me and so it was decided that August 31st, 2021 she would cross the Rainbow Bridge and go find her bestest friend who would be waiting for her.
I will miss this cute, sweet and loving little Yorkiepoo, but I am so grateful we were blessed and graced with her soul while it was here. I told her while kissing her between her eyes: “Lily, this is where God kissed you when he sent you here to us and God has kissed you here telling you it’s time to come back Home”. And so it was.
I am so grateful to the dedicated and loving vets, techs, and staff at City Vet Addison [TX] for their care and love that they have shown LilyCatherine over the years and especially over the last eighteen months and for their compassion and kindness they have shown me over the last few months. A hard transition for all of us, but made easier by these special people.

Posted in Pets by Jason with no comments yet.
My Puppy Roby
My dear little Roby is 5 months old now and already seems like an adult dog, but he’s not. I have to remind myself that he is just a puppy; he’s just growing so quickly! Last Wednesday he weighed in at 13.4 pounds, and that was up from 12.8 pounds on May 26th! It’s like lifting a wiggling brick, or trying to hold on to a large fish you just caught. Every day, though, I am just totally amazed at this little guy and still wonder how I got so lucky to have him in my life. Sure, he gets into things like most puppies do [he’s a master paper and box shredder!] and does things he shouldn’t [like try to pull his 14 year old blind sister’s tongue out of her head], but he’s really a delight to have around. Oh, yes, he talks incessantly, too, even on his walks. Sometimes it’s embarrassing, especially when we’re walking late at night and everyone has gone to bed. It’s like he’s saying, “Wake up! Roby-boy is here now!”. And most of my apartment complex knows him because he’s so danged friendly – and because of his barking. He loves people. Heck, he loves life in general! He is an incredibly happy dog! Like I said, how did I get so lucky!
Roby loves to watch television, and his favorite commercial is the Bravecto Flea & Tick Protection for dogs. The minute that comes on, he’s at the tv barking like crazy and wagging his tail so hard I’m afraid he’ll disconnect it! He also watched the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes horse races – actually watching with interest. That was pretty cool. Unfortunately there are a lot of shows he doesn’t like and he lets me know because he won’t stop barking. That means either the tv goes off or I find another show to watch. And, oh dear, animal vet shows….well, it’s hit or miss with him; some he likes, most he doesn’t.
One of his favorite activities is going down to the leasing office after hours and playing in the water fountain. He barks, he lunges, he gets soaked from head to tail, but he’s having the time of his life. [Of course, when it comes to a bath, or in his case shower, like most dogs, that’s a no-no!] And then he starts to walk away and I think he’s done, but nooooo, he runs right back at the fountain and starts again! He definitely keeps me laughing!
If the last three months are any indication, it’s going to be an incredibly fantastic ride with this Schnorkie!

Posted in Pets by Jason with no comments yet.