Worth the Struggle
It’s been a while since I last posted – during the Christmas holidays, actually. For one reason or another I haven’t been taking many photos. I have taken SOME, just not many. I did get my yearly bluebonnet photos, but that’s about it, except for some flowers here and there. I haven’t lost interest in taking photos, I just haven’t been able to get to my favorite “haunts” to do it. My photography is my stress release; thankfully I haven’t had a lot of stress lately. I really have no good reason as to why I haven’t been out, well, maybe I have. The weather has been warm and cold, up and down, with rain mixed it from time to time. I think Winter is finally giving up its grip, however. I love Winter, but as far as I am concerned, after Christmas or New Year’s at the latest, Winter should be over. Of course, all the neat flowers came out while it was raining. Makes it a bit hard for me to get out and take photos. Good old arthritis takes care of that.
I know that I am getting older and arthritis has become a hindrance. Getting down on my knees to take photos isn’t much of a problem, but getting back UP takes a bit of maneuvering. The worst problem is my left knee, which has the worst arthritis. Even going up steps can be a challenge some days. But, the goal is usually worth the struggle.
Posted in Seasons by Jason with no comments yet.
The “Season”
It’s been a while since I have written anything, and that has been for a number of reasons, one of which is I didn’t have much to write because I have not been out taking any photos, or, at least, not many photos. And now, I am beginning a move, which will mean that a new life begins for me after this move; a new year and a “new” life. I am excited about moving, but for a while I might still be limited in the ability to get out and take photos. Hopefully that limitation will only be short lived.
For me, as a Christian, this is the season our Christ was born. At least, December 25th is when we celebrate His birth, even though it is estimated that He was probably born in September. I consider the fact I am moving into an apartment as an early Christmas present. I won’t be fully moved in by Christmas, but hopefully will be by New Year’s. At least that is the plan. About the only packing I have to do is where I live, and then I have to find someone to help me move the furniture out of here. After that I can worry about the storage sheds, but my concentration now is the place I am currently at.
I love Christmas. I love everything about it, well, for the most part. I don’t like most of the commercialism about the holiday [holyday], but I embrace the lights and some of the decorations. I really like the lighted trees – I can stand among them and revel in them and feel SO alive. They remind me of the Star of the East that guided the three wise men to where the baby Jesus was born. Christmas carols, religious and secular both, have people humming and singing and in a lighter mood, at least most of the time. It seems as though the month of December literally comes “alive” with sharing and good cheer, giving, bringing family and friends together. In some ways, it is a rebirth in us all. It is sad, however, that after the New Year all the positive energy fades slowly away and brings us back to the stress and reality of the secular world.
It is the season of celebration, a time of reflection, a time of renewed or new faith. It is not about receiving, but about giving. The giving doesn’t have to be an expensive gift, but can be a hug, spending time with loved ones or someone in the hospital that might not have visitors. There are many ways of giving, and giving doesn’t necessarily belong to one religion or another, one belief or non-belief.
This is a photo I took several years ago at Christmas time that I turned into a Christmas card. I share it now with you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Posted in Faith, Holidays, Seasons, View Point by Jason with no comments yet.
Pumpkin Patch Time Again
It’s October, time when harvest is over, most fields are bare and have been tilled for winter crops or waiting for spring, trees are in full Autumn color, temperatures have fallen from its summertime sizzle to hints of frost at night, the smell of campfires abound, and Hallowe’en is in the air. There is an air of “excitement” as the end of the year holidays return.
I love Autumn. And Hallowe’en. Pumpkin patches spring up everywhere – fields, grocery stores, road side stands – and no two are alike; some are round and squat, some are tall, some are bumpy, others are smooth. most are orange, some are greyish-white, and some are multicolored. Everywhere you look, pumpkins are sitting on door steps, around trees, sitting on hay bales and next to corn stalks. Carved pumpkins are waiting to be lit with candles on Hallowe’en night. And some kids are waiting to steal pumpkins and smash them in the middle of the street.
I recently got my chance to make the yearly trek to my favorite pumpkin patch in Flower Mound, Tx. The entire month of October a family dedicates the fields around their house to selling pumpkins and providing activities for the kids. And during the month they must have thousands of pumpkins to populate the fields. Corn stalks and hay bales sell out early in the month, but there is still plenty of hay for mazes and a tower for the kids to play in and on.
This year was different, however, because in past years my wife and I took one our dogs up to be photographed. So, this year I was just taking photos of pumpkins and some of the activities. It didn’t feel quite right, but it was okay. It got me out of the house and into fresh October air for a few hours, so that was good. By the time I left, I was tired, and my back was beginning to hurt a little. I took a little over 150 photos, which is pretty normal for me. Well, there is always next year to look forward to, and I am already doing that.
Posted in Holidays, Seasons by Jason with 1 comment.
Just for the fun of it
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An Angel to Pray
In June I had the chance to visit a church that had this wonderful meditation area behind it. Well, actually, it was two meditation areas, one with a pond and the other with a little stream and waterfall. I had taken my camera with me just in case I saw some neat cloud formations because we had several storms in the area. I was hoping for a rainbow, but that never materialized.
I first went to the side with the stream which was covered over with trees and had a nice pathway with several stone
![DSC_4842c [800x600]](https://i0.wp.com/enrjyzr.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/DSC_4842c-800x600.jpg?resize=201%2C300&ssl=1)
Angel praying
The pond area also had a nice pathway with stone benches, but the focus – and there was actually two – was the stone cross and the water fountain. Before crossing over the road to meditate on that side, I stood on the bridge and took some photos of the water fountain because it was very breezy that evening and the wind was producing a spray off the fountain. I got a number of really nice “spray” photos, but I got one that I really liked. I guess it would depend on your perspective, but I think the image in the spray looks like an angel praying.
I hope to get back there someday, maybe in late Fall, and get some more photos. This place is very calming, relaxing. I am glad I was told about this area because I hadn’t known it was there.
Posted in Faith by Jason with no comments yet.
Sunset after the storm
Late yesterday afternoon I took the dogs out to do their thing. It was sunny; hardly a breeze; a few big towering white clouds; pleasant temperature, for Dallas in July. So, I let Bentley in and then grabbed up Bailey and sat on the steps cradling her and rubbing her belly. She must have enjoyed that because she closed her eyes and had a contented look on her beautiful little fuzzy face. I must have sat there enjoying the time with her for about fifteen minutes before heading back inside.
After getting something to drink I sat down at my laptop to read some posts in a forum and it suddenly got dark in here. Now, I only have two windows and they’re both on the same side of this dwelling, and they face the sunset, so when the sun goes down or goes away, it gets dark in here quickly. I turned around to look out the window at the top of the door and I could see tree limbs and leaves blowing around like crazy and it was DARK. Somehow the sun ran away and a storm moved in. So, I grabbed my little camera [Nikon Coolpix S220] and went back out to the porch to watch the storm clouds pass by. I saw one bolt of lightning, and a “sheet” of rain pass by several miles away. I watched leaves blow off tree limbs and float
![DSCN2924 [800x600]](https://i0.wp.com/enrjyzr.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/DSCN2924-800x600.jpg?resize=300%2C225&ssl=1)
Sunset after the storm.
But, I did take a few photos, just to see what would come out. I had the camera settings on Auto Scene and just snapped a few photos of the clouds through the trees. Came out pretty cool, I think. The camera caught lighting I wasn’t able to see. With the storm moving out and the sun going down, there was a nice yellow lighting on the clouds. It’s neat when you get a photo you weren’t expecting. I’m glad I decided to head outside and enjoy the effects of the storm. It was worth it.
Posted in Weather by Jason with no comments yet.
Dear Bentley
For some, they’re just a dog or a cat, something that takes work and are messy. Some think a dog is only good for fighting and bringing in money, never considering their health or feelings. Some find it “fun” to abuse these four footed friend, doing unspeakable things that more often than not result in suffering and death. For others, they’re children that can’t speak other than barking or meowing. Sometimes they become our best friend and confidant. Beyond the food dish, they are always happy to see us, and no matter the mood we’re in they will love us unconditionally. Even when they are sick and hurting, when they see us, their “smiler” flickers, wagging weakly, but letting you know that you are the most important person in their life.
I have had many dogs over my lifetime, two that have been extremely special. Sir Jeremy and Reba’s Bentley Astin. Jer and Bentley. Jeremy made it to his 16th birthday and three months beyond. Bentley will be six in September. Oh, I have had other special dogs; well, they all have been special in one way or another.
Bentley, though, has been a handful growing up. Happy and enthusiastic the word “no” was hard to input into his vocabulary. It took five and a half years for him to understand that no does indeed mean NO. And he’s no longer a “rocket launcher” aiming for the knees when out of control. He has grown into a sweet, loving, lovable and fun ball of fuzz with a tongue faster than the speed of light. And he’s an apple lover. Mostly yellow delicious, but if it’s an apple, he wants some if you’re eating one.
I don’t know what I’d do without him. He knows how to make me laugh when I need to laugh, and when I’m grumpy with pain he stays just close enough to let me know he’s there if I need him. A Yorkie locked in a Schnauzer’s body. Twenty pounds of pure love.
Posted in Uncategorized by Jason with no comments yet.
Texas Rite of Spring
It’s Spring in Texas, and so far, it has been a real Spring. Oh, we have had a few days with unreal temperatures, and we have had a day filled with tornadoes – 12 to 15 of them – and a downpour of rain. Rain. It is something we have had quite a bit of this year, and it is much needed. I don’t think anyone is complaining, either. The tornadoes we can do without, however.
“April showers bring May flowers.” For Texas, though, it’s more like “February and March showers bring out Texas bluebonnet flowers.” And this year because of all of the rain, the bluebonnets are everywhere in great numbers. A beautiful sight to see, given the drought and heat of the last few years, which made bluebonnets sparse. And while they bloom, their fragrance is wonderful.
I always look forward to this time of year. Sure, other flowers abound, but there is something about the bluebonnets that brings out a somewhat controlled “silliness” in people. A small field or rather large clump of bluebonnets suddenly has a parking lot of cars surrounding it with children and adults, some with dogs, laughing giddily while squatting or sitting among the blooms while an equally giddy person with a face glued to the back of a camera snaps repeatedly away in hopes of capturing that “special” moment for all time. Just as suddenly as they appeared the laughing dies as car doors slam and they zoom off in search of a new pristine clump to roll in while another group of equally silly and giddy adults, children and dogs take their place among the now trodden and flattened state flower. In Texas, this is a statewide rite of Spring and quite anticipated. As it should be, since this is the only time the bluebonnet blooms.
I, too, look forward to this time of year, attending the closest festival and driving the “Bluebonnet Trail” in Ennis County. But, this year was different; gas prices have sky rocketed, and driving the Trail alone was not something I cared to do. I thought for sure that I would not get any photos this year, but did manage to work some in without joining in the frenzy. Far less than the two or three hundred photos that had become normal, I took only a handful. I am glad that I was able to do so, however. Somehow it would not be Spring unless I got the opportunity to see, smell, and photograph a few bluebonnets.
Posted in Seasons by Jason with 1 comment.
To take photographs is to hold one’s breath when all faculties converge in the face of fleeing reality. It is at that moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.
–Henri Cartier-Bresson
Posted in Perspectives by Jason with no comments yet.