
It’s been a while since I last posted.  There are a few reasons.

One, I had back surgery last November, and that put me off my feet for four months while I was learning to walk again.  Only had my phone because rehab isn’t a place you want to keep a good camera and I certainly didn’t want to lose mine.  While I can carry my camera now, it does take a lot out of me.  Heck, just walking takes a lot out of me!  I have taken some photos since I got out in March, but have yet to download them to my drive.  Yeah, I’m slow.

Two, once again I have moved.  Hopefully it’s something I won’t have to do for a while now.  I really love my new apartment, but it has taken me far from my usual “haunts” of the State Park and Fort Worth Botanical Gardens.  So, while I am again driving, those two places take driving to a considerable time.  And, because of my back, unpacking is taking time because I can’t bend over a lot or like I used to, I can’t really carry anything heavy [not that I have a lot that is heavy], and I have chosen to unpack alone.  It’s a personal thing.  It means that unpacking is S L O W, and I have to rest a lot.  This means I’m usually not physically up to taking any photos because I am basically still weak despite really wanting to be out with my camera.  Just not happening right now.

Once I recover sufficiently and have a bit more time, I will be able to post more.  Until then keep taking those photos!


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