Purely Texas

It’s Spring in Texas and that brings out the official state flower, the Texas Bluebonnet.  It grows wild and on the right of ways cannot be mowed until after blooming season.  Here in North Texas there is a Bluebonnet Festival, which really consists more of people driving around clogging the country highways, and plopping their kids, dogs and themselves down in the middle of the patches for photos.  Of course, avid photographers that we are, we gullibly join the hunt for the best patches.  Along with the Indian Paint Brush flower, which is a red to reddish orange in color, the countryside is awash in colors.

Yesterday was the start of the two day Festival in Ennis, Texas, and the only day that we were able to go for our drive.  Granted, given the fact the bluebonnets have been out for weeks, we could have gone at any time, but it’s more fun watching the crowd and discovering all the places we could that had yet been trampled.  Unfortunately, yesterday started out rainy and cool, so we were afraid that we wouldn’t be able to get any photos, but after a quick prayer, the sky dried up and we were blessed with temps in the upper 60’s to low 70’s and overcast skies – until very late afternoon.  It was a perfect day for exploring the countryside and find some good photos.

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