September 11, 2001

This year marks the 20th anniversary of that horrible, shocking, and devastating day.  Some of you may remember that day; some of you were probably too little to remember that day.  All of us, though, either watched in disbelief, were there in some way, or…..  This year is not a celebration, per se, although we should celebrate the lives lost – who they were, what they did in their lives, and how they, the innocent, live forever in our hearts.  And then, of course, we should remember those that were in the towers, terrified beyond belief, desperately wending their way down flights of stairs to get out and away with their lives.  These people especially need our continued prayers and support, hugs virtual and real, because they grapple with survivor guilt and PTSD every day.  We cannot, and should not, ever forget them.  Nor should we forget the brave men and women in and out of uniform fighting to save lives and eventually recover bodies when possible.  They, too, have suffered in unimaginable ways.

Know that this day, September 11, 2001, was like none in the history of our country, and God willing we should never know another day like it ever in our future.  The days that followed pulled the people of this country together in ways we’d never experienced, even during WWII.  This happened on our soil, in our house.  We were wary, yes, but we also were a country of family.  We BONDED together.  Our music was patriotic and though flags flew at half staff there were flags everywhere showing the love we have for our country and our fellow neighbor.  For a few weeks love surrounded us and protected us and if there was any hate, I don’t remember it.

So, this September 11th, remember and say prayers for the survivors as well as for those that lost their lives.  And make note…..this is not a celebration, but a remembrance.  We will never forget!

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