Springtime – at last!

Well, Spring finally made it to North Texas, but Winter is doing its best to hang on for dear life – and failing miserably.

On the first day of Spring it snowed.  Oh, not like the snow we got in February, but it did snow enough to stick, at least until the next afternoon. Unlike the previous snowfall, however, I kept my camera tucked safely away.  This time the snow wasn’t a novelty, nor was it “pretty”, and while there was enough to stick and show, it just wasn’t awesome enough to really care about.  We probably got a quarter of an inch, if that, so it wasn’t worth braving the cold and wind to get a photo.

And so, it’s Spring, for better or for worse.  You can tell because the temperatures fluctuate between warm and cold.  But, you

Dandy bee

Bee gathering pollen

can also tell because more birds are singing, the trees are budding out, flowers are blossoming and peeking out of their winter beds, and there are bees everywhere.

I hope this Spring is a good one for North Texas.  In recent years past we have seen our temperatures go from mild in early Spring to hot in mid Spring to down right late Summer like before Spring was done.  And no rain.  Well, okay, a little rain.  But now we’re in an El Nino year and the prediction is that rain will continue at least through May with below-average temperatures.  Hey, that will be nice for a change!

With Spring comes the Texas Bluebonnets and with all of the rain we’ve had since last Fall, this should be a great bluebonnet season.  I can’t wait to get out with my camera and take a lot of bluebonnet photos, but it will be at least another two weeks before that happens because of our schedule, so I’ll just have to be patient.  We almost always head to Ennis for the bluebonnet festival there and I suspect this year won’t be any different except that we might skip the craft fair and just go out hunting for good photo ops – along with a ton of other folks.   We also usually take our dogs out for photos in the bluebonnets, but I don’t know if we’ll do that this year; we might, however, because we do have a new member of our family that we didn’t have at this time last year, and being a maltese, she’d look great among the bluebonnets – if she would hold still!  The plans are up in the air, then, but bluebonnet photos will happen.

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