Sunset after the storm

Late yesterday afternoon I took the dogs out to do their thing.  It was sunny; hardly a breeze; a few big towering white clouds; pleasant temperature, for Dallas in July.  So, I let Bentley in and then grabbed up Bailey and sat on the steps cradling her and rubbing her belly.  She must have enjoyed that because she closed her eyes and had a contented look on her beautiful little fuzzy face.  I must have sat there enjoying the time with her for about fifteen minutes before heading back inside.

After getting something to drink I sat down at my laptop to read some posts in a forum and it suddenly got dark in here.  Now, I only have two windows and they’re both on the same side of this dwelling, and they face the sunset, so when the sun goes down or goes away, it gets dark in here quickly.  I turned around to look out the window at the top of the door and I could see tree limbs and leaves blowing around like crazy and it was DARK.  Somehow the sun ran away and a storm moved in.  So, I grabbed my little camera [Nikon Coolpix S220] and went back out to the porch to watch the storm clouds pass by. I saw one bolt of lightning, and a “sheet” of rain pass by several miles away.  I watched leaves blow off tree limbs and float

Sunset after the storm.

around and watched the birds chase each other across the sky, weaving in and out grabbing whatever bugs might be blowing around.  Nothing really great to take photos of, though.    It was just nice standing outside and watching the weather.

But, I did take a few photos, just to see what would come out.  I had the camera settings on Auto Scene and just snapped a few photos of the clouds through the trees.  Came out pretty cool, I think.  The camera caught lighting I wasn’t able to see.  With the storm moving out and the sun going down, there was a nice yellow lighting on the clouds.  It’s neat when you get a photo you weren’t expecting.  I’m glad I decided to head outside and enjoy the effects of the storm.  It was worth it.

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