The “Season”

It’s been a while since I have written anything, and that has been for a number of reasons, one of which is I didn’t have much to write because I have not been out taking any photos, or, at least, not many photos.  And now, I am beginning a move, which will mean that a new life begins for me after this move; a new year and a “new” life.  I am excited about moving, but for a while I might still be limited in the ability to get out and take photos.  Hopefully that limitation will only be short lived.

For me, as a Christian, this is the season our Christ was born.  At least, December 25th is when we celebrate His birth, even though it is estimated that He was probably born in September.  I consider the fact I am moving into an apartment as an early Christmas present.  I won’t be fully moved in by Christmas, but hopefully will be by New Year’s.  At least that is the plan.  About the only packing I have to do is where I live, and then I have to find someone to help me move the furniture out of here.  After that I can worry about the storage sheds, but my concentration now is the place I am currently at.

I love Christmas.  I love everything about it, well, for the most part.  I don’t like most of the commercialism about the holiday [holyday], but I embrace the lights and some of the decorations.  I really like the lighted trees – I can stand among them and revel in them and feel SO alive.  They remind me of the Star of the East that guided the three wise men to where the baby Jesus was born.  Christmas carols, religious and secular both, have people humming and singing and in a lighter mood, at least most of the time.  It seems as though the month of December literally comes “alive” with sharing and good cheer, giving, bringing family and friends together.  In some ways, it is a rebirth in us all.  It is sad, however, that after the New Year all the positive energy fades slowly away and brings us back to the stress and reality of the secular world.

It is the season of celebration, a time of reflection, a time of renewed or new faith.  It is not about receiving, but about giving.  The giving doesn’t have to be an expensive gift, but can be a hug, spending time with loved ones or someone in the hospital that might not have visitors.  There are many ways of giving, and giving doesn’t necessarily belong to one religion or another, one belief or non-belief.

This is a photo I took several years ago at Christmas time that I turned into a Christmas card.  I share it now with you.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

From my heart to yours

From my heart to yours

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