Where did the time go?

Boy, I just realized how long ago it had been since I posted anything. Time sure gets past you when you’re busy.

There’s not been any major happening in my life. I have taken some photos, but nothing very spectacular and a lot of them I haven’t even taken the time to upload them to my laptop. And I have been using both my cameras for photos, so there is quite a few there. And really, I haven’t even taken the time to review them. That’s pretty sad, you know?

I did get a chance to spend two weeks in Florida at the end of April and the beginning of May. Most of that time, however, was spent visiting friends and my other two dogs. Our wee little Lexie Starbright has been ill for a while now with renal failure, but she is somehow managing to hang on and when she sees me she just perks up like there was nothing wrong with her. I guess it’s that “daddy” thing. I did take quite a few photos of her, but those are on my phone and I haven’t transferred them to my laptop yet [sound familiar?]. I also got photos of Sasha Bean, but again, on my phone. Those I do review often. I haven’t gotten the chance to see much of them over the years, but I love them so very much. I know both are getting to the age where time is limited and they will have to cross the Rainbow Bridge. For pet owners, that is a mixed feeling day; you know they are no longer suffering, but it is hard to let them go. And it will be very hard saying goodbye to them from a distance.

BUT….it is Summer time! Time for photo buffs to get outside and take those photos! Right now, though, here in Texas, not such a good time to do that because of the excessive heat we’ve been having the last few days. However, it won’t last and we’ll just go back to our regular hot days – the ones we complain about and wish we had cooler weather until we GET that cooler weather! But there’s still lots to take photos of regardless. Grab those cameras, or your cell phone, and snap away at the kids swimming in the pool [and maybe the dog in the pool with them!], or those flowers with the bees zipping from one to another, or maybe you can try to snap a humminbird getting a drink of nectar. I say try because it isn’t the easiest to do even for a professional photographer! My friend Peter lives in Idaho and a year ago he was taking macro photos of insects which were stunning to say the least. But then, with the encouragement from a friend, and a new lens for his camera, he moved on to our nation’s bird, the eagle, and he got some really spectacular photos! Lately, he’s been capturing owls, and let me tell you, I am j e a l o u s! Now I’m trying to get him to put a book together of some of his photos. We’ll see!

So, look around and see what there is to see, even if it’s buildings, or cars new and old, flags, signs, whatever is around you. I once took a photo of signs in my neighborhood that were a bit strange. When you first turned into the subdivision you were greeted with a sign that said Speed Limit 30 MPH, which in itself was really funny because the distance from turning in to the subdivision to the stop sign was about 30 feet. And then there was a sign about children playing, or something like that because there was an elementary school across the street along with a baseball diamond. THAT sign was across the street from the stop sign. Take photos like that and have fun with them.

The whole purpose though IS to have fun. If it’s not fun, obviously don’t do it!

In the meantime, here is a photo of my little guy Roby just before we left the dog park, one of his favorite places to go. It was taken just a couple of months ago. I hope that you enjoy it!

Roby Lincoln

A good job dog – who steals socks!

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